Themed Lists

8 Fictional Worlds I Want to Travel To // featuring candle magic and my birthday!!

Oy! Happy Saturday!

I’ve been waffling on what sort of post to write for today. I flipped through like eight ideas before actually landing on one I vibed with. Waffling as a verb: one of April’s talents. I should probably mention that today is my birthday. I wanted to do something birtdhay-centric and fun but what would that be??? And then the idea struck me. Like every good good blog post idea, it came to me in the deepest, darkest hours of the night when I should have been sleeping.

Birthdays = cake, and cake = candles. Furthermore, candles = wishes, meaning birthday = wishes. Wishes = being transported to fantasy worlds. But make it a bookish list. Foolproof logic right there.

In honor of my birthday, I decided share a exclusive, one of a kind, super secret fun fact with y’all: I like pirates.

Shocking, I know. And since I love pirates I would want to be transported to the world of the Fable duology. I mean, Young brings you halfway there with her vivid imagery, but I would really love to go those extra miles and fully immerse myself in the dredging and sea-life and whatnot.

Check out my full review of Fable by Adrienne Young here!

Hi! Is this the place to find summer camp vibes and canoes? Yes? Perfect, then I’ve found You Have a Match!

Check out my full review of You Have a Match by Emma Lord here!

Scavenger hunt for cash prize. Think senior assassin, but make it clue based. Sounds like an absolute blast to me.

Check out my full review of Today, Tonight, and Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon here!

Murder mystery and banter. Sounds absolutely glorious. And if we want to be really wild and follow the whole series I will get the original two perks as well as travel. Yes yes yes.

Check out my review to Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco here!

I mean, going to a Con right now would be absolutely delightful. I would also love to sample something from the Magic Pumpkin, because that alone would be iconic.

Check out my full review of Geekerella by Ashley Poston here!

Meeting the Crows. I want that. Let’s be real, I’d probably go down pretty quickly here, but to meet the Crows it would be worth it. Bonus points for tagging along on the heist.

Talking books. Magical libraries. Named swords. Sold!

Check out my full review of Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson here!

Traveling abroad has never sounds so amazing. After more than a year of going absolutely nowhere, a trip would be positively magical. The baked goods wouldn’t hurt either.

And with that, my 16 candles are officially used! I have an ice cream cake to get back to, so this list is officially a wrap!

Have you read any of these books? What do you think? Which fictional worlds would you want to travel to???

29 thoughts on “8 Fictional Worlds I Want to Travel To // featuring candle magic and my birthday!!

  1. Aah happy birthday April!!! 🎉🎉 I hope you have a fantastic day. I’m obsessed with this list, I would totally love to travel into all of them!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy birthday April 🎉!!
    Oh my gosh, I had no clue that you were only 16 (look at me, saying “only 16”, when I am 14😂)
    Though I haven’t read most of the books on your list, I loved your post🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy Birthday April!!! 🥳
    I wouldn’t last a minute in Ketterdam either, but meeting the crows would be so worth it! I loved this post!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy birthday April!!
    If we were able to go to a Con right now, we would be head over heels trying to get the best dresses💞Lovely post as always!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A trip after going nowhere would be amazing lol. And Happy 16th Birthday April!!! I hope you have a lovely day. You’re super sweet, funny and such a good friend. I love how your name is April, and your born is April.😆 It’s so cool!!! Eat all your favorite foods today!🍰💞💞

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I SOMEHOW COMPLETELY MISSED THIS POST AND I DONT KNOW HOWWWWW. Anyways. I’m here. Hello. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a few weeks late). This is such a fun post I definitely would not travel to ketterdam because the crows would probably murder me but Sorcery of Thorns is definitely a yes from me

    Liked by 1 person

      1. i mean i guess if you didn’t get into any trouble or crossed with kaz/pekka/anyone of that sort, you might not get MURDERED but you’d DEFINITELY get all your money stolen and perhaps a few bruises in the process (i still remember what kaz said about stealing wallets, how you have to put something similar in its place so as someone’s walking down the street just patting their pocket to feel if their wallet is still there, it still FEELS like it’s there even if it’s not)

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Who knows…
            Yeah I’ve only read SoC once and I just will always remember that. Whenever I’m walking I will literally clutch my phone through the fabric of wherever it is (like a pocket or purse) so I just thought, “I kind of doubt that would work on me’ because I know the feel of my phone so well. Random thoughts when reading from Phoenix.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. ahaha yup always got to remember the kaz-isms. same! i’m literally so paranoid. it’s probally a beacon to where i’m holding my phone or lanyard or whatever, but i always have a steel grip so it might not work idk. chances are i’d be outsmarted tho. ahaha got to love random reading wonderings

              Liked by 1 person

  7. April Lee, you sound my kind of gal (and reader). There isn’t one book on this list that I wouldn’t have chosen myself. SFF, YA contemporary, and mystery- it’s all there.
    I’m sorry I’m way too late, but Belated Happy Birthday and sweet sixteen!


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